The Elaine Riddick - Shout My Story
Elaine Riddick is the Executive Director of the Rebecca Project (http://www.rebeccaprojectjustice.org/),
The Rebecca Project for Justice is a transformational organization that advocates protecting life, dignity and freedom for people in Africa and the United States. We believe that vulnerable women, girls and their families possess the right to live free of environmental, medical, physical and sexual violence.
At the age of 13 I became pregnant. I was raped by a guy that lived across the street from me. He snatched me off the street and he molested (raped) me an and threatened me and told me if I ever told anyone he would kill me. I later realized that I was pregnant. Read More

One the Youngest Premature Babies Ever to Survive in the U.S.
The Miracle Baby Thomas Story is a compelling and heartwarming true story that takes you through the struggles of Dan and Deborah FioRito, who are the parents of nine beautiful children. Their youngest child Baby Thomas, was born at only 22 weeks, is one of the youngest premature babies ver to survive in the U.S. Doctors and nurses didn’t believe that he would live, and recommended aborting him, and yet despite a million to one odds, he’s perfectly healthy. This powerful short film will touch hearts and change minds about viability and the sanctity of human life.
Nothing stopped Dan and Deborah FioRito from fighting for Baby Thomas’ life despite the most difficult of circumstances.
Dan believes that big things are meant for his little guy who recently celebrated his second birthday and says, “Thomas is a testament to life and there’s a reason that Thomas was born the way he is. I firmly believe it's God's will to affect others.”
Baby Thomas‘ mother Deborah adds,” Don't let anyone tell you what is viable and not viable. Thomas came into the world. I had never even heard of a baby being born at 22 weeks and not only did he come into the world but he's perfect. You know it's amazing. It was a miracle.”
Your donation will help Pro-Life Champions build a culture of life and share The Miracle Baby Thomas Story.

They Say 'Except in Cases' Like My Son
By: Rose Duncan November 16, 2017
I had my son, Daniel, when I was 16 years old. There have been challhenges, but he has been my saving grace. Now, at age 6, he is a fantastic student, a loving big brother, and a wonderful son. He has been a huge blessing in my life, as well as the lives of our family members. My son has more love surrounding him than he knows what to do with. He is truly a beautiful, blessed child. And my son was conceived in rape. Read More
Truth about Anencephaly: Tragically the vast majority of unborn babies diagnosed before birth die from abortion
Not Compatable with Life: Rachel Mary says "Three doctors told my parents to abort me"
Mother Chooses Life: An abortion that almost happened
Down syndrone child's parents reject abortion, from Live Action
Faith's Story: Challenging Pre-Natal Diagnosis, From Save The 1
Karina’s Story is a true story of hope for young women who find themselves pregnant and alone. Karina thought abortion was her only choice, but then she realized that she was not alone, and there were people in her life who would love and support her always.
Survivor and Protector: Heather's Story
Heather became pregnant after surviving horrible abuse. She chose not to terminate her pregnancy and her subsequent journey of motherhood and advocacy now impacts countless people. She was told abort two additional children as well! This is her story.
This is the story of Dena, a woman with Downs Syndrome who has a happy, full and blessed life. 67% of Americans with Downs Syndrome are terminated before they born. Dena is so thankful that her mother chose life for her.
The Shout My Story campaign was created in response to websites like ShoutYourAbortion.com that was promoted by Oprah Winfrey and celebrates abortion as normal and a positive good. ShoutMyStory.org gives a platform to women and couples to share their life affirming stories.
Women are often encouraged, even pressured, to abort their babies in a variety of circumstances. If a woman is poor, young, undereducated, or a rape victim, she is told abortion is best. If her baby is diagnosed with a fetal abnormality, she is offered “termination” and might even be made to feel she is being “selfish” if she chooses life for her baby.
There are many deep and personal reasons why women and couples choose life despite difficult gut wrenching situations. We believe that life is precious, sacred, and must be protected. We believe that women deserve better than abortion for their physical and emotional health.
Our compassionate stories of choosing life in difficult situations are heroic and unique. Some of our other stories are about women and men who were once pro-choice but had a change of heart and today are pro-life.
These are our stories to shout. #shoutmystoryorg